My poem is about studies. I have tried to present it in a funny manner but this topic or issue is very serious. Life without studies is like a soul without heart. My poem goes like this.

Study, Study and Study

Study is the work we have to do buddy

Without any study everything is muddy. 

Study is the key to unlock history

Without any study it remains mystery. 

Study is the work to know our nature

Without any study there is no future. 

Study is the key to open success gate. Do it now before it's too late. So we should always study, study and study. ... But today, students doesn't study, but goes for tuitions....

Tuitions here tuitions there

Maths, English, Science everything. 

Fixing tuitions have become a passion

Tuitions are coming more into a fashion. 

There seems no other way

But to have tuition today. 

Friends ! You may go for tuitions, 

But remember hard work is the only solution. 

Also see this---


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