In 1916, The German astronomer schwarzs child with the support of Einstein's work calculated whose escape velocity would be equal to the speed of light. This speed is an absolute limit and according to relatively, nothing can go fast.

What's more we know that the size of a neutron star decreases. When its mass increases because gravity becomes strong than the degeneracy pressure. If the mass of such a star increases there comes a time called the oppenheimer volkoff limit when the escape velocity becomes equal to the speed of light and nothing will be able to escape the star. Let us notice that the cohesion of a neutron star is also depending the strong nuclear interaction. As the behaviour of this interaction poorly understood under a high gravity the oppenheimer volkoff limit is not precisely known.

It is contained between 1.5 and 3 solar masses. The size of a blackhole of Horizon (Schwanzs child radius) is equal to a neutron star size when its mass is about 2.5 solar (this mass is called the open hemes volkoff limit) Notice that for a while away or a neutron star, the size discourses when the mass increase. Nothing not even light can escape through it. This star becomes invisible such an object is called a blackhole. The black hole has no material surface; the original matter of the star is shut to an infinitely dense point called a singularity.

The surface of the 'Blackhole' is called the horizon, its size is called 'Schwarzschild radius'.


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