1. Mathematics - Life is like                  mathematics adding friends             and subtracting enemies, 
       dividing sorrows and multiply          joys and also factorizing joys           and sorrows.    

2. Physics Life is like a simple               pendulum oscillating between         sorrows and joys.

3. Chemistry - Life is a wonderful       chemical mixture which alters         its form continuously due to             interaction of events.

4. Commerce - Life is a cheque             signed by us and according               to our usage either                                happiness or sorrow in                      drawn.

5. History: Life is a battle field in         which one has to taste                       victories and defeats                            alternately.

6. English Life is not a "Tempest"         nor is a "Mid Summer Nights           Dream". Life is "As You Like              It".

So take care you don't make "Much Ado About Nothing".


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