"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world".

"Give me some sunshine, give me some rain, give me another chance, I want to graw up again".

A few days back as I heard these lines from popular movie -'3 idiots', I sank in thought while most of us world have come back from the movie with a smile and a song on you lips. Did we realise that this was telling commentary on what we are setting our children up for? It is a touching tale of how to love for knowledge wins the face of conventional thinking which sometimes implies that knowledge is only about a curricular text-book definitions and the Marks scored.

Often with the noble intent of building up their future careers and life surrounds children puts an immense pressure of expectation on their young shoulders.

We often blame the system. We all are responsible for their system so don't cut their wings of innocence and curiosity by belonging slaves to the system. 

The system need to have enough flexibility and all teachers and parents need to exhibit sufficient tolerance.  So that their children feel free to soar high in the sky amd at the same time we reassured of the facts that we are all there for supporting team like a safety net,  never letting them hit the ground .

Let's give children ample sunshine and rain and let us not make them ask for this.

         ......Thanks for reading......


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