The next time you are down in the dumps, don't blame you luck. People go through ups and downs. But changing their own luck and destiny is in their hands. Richard wiseman, author of luck factors , said unlucky people can change their fortune. He studied 10,000 people and come to the conclusion that in tough moments , it is resilience that turns bad luck into a good one . "Lucky people aren't always lucky, they handle adversity better" says Wiseman. The trick does not lie in his hand but in his state of mind.

In short, trust your intuition,  ypu don't need taroo and readers , astrologers and coffe cup readers to predict your future. indulge in lucky thinking and it transforms your life .Wiseman writes in his book ," Lucky people create , notice and act upon the changed opportunities in their lives ".

American talk show host , Opah Winprey,  believes - " Life is a matter of preparation and meeting of opportunity".

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