• Swami Vivekanand once said, " We are responsible for what we are and what we wish to be. We have the power to make ourselves  ".

Destiny is often held responsible for good or bad things that happen in a person's life. However it has been explained by greatmen that destiny is created by an individual effort and actions.

We can make our own life. As spiritual leaders say, although the belief that everything happens with the will of God holds true. It is the individual who directs movement. God may have framed our destiny in heaven but we have to shape it and we should have the potential to make it.

Let be bold enough to face fiasco in life and reach our ultimate destination. As it has been rightly said by Willpam Fernings Beyon, " Destiny is not a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for , it is something to be achieved". So dear friends make up your minds and start now before it gets too late. As Swami Vivekanand, has said, Awake! Awake! and stop not till the goal is reached.

     ~~~~~ Thanks for reading~~~~~


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