Once upon a time there was a 

king who ruled a prosperous 

country. One day, he decided to 

visit some of the distance areas 

of his country.

It was the first time he was 

taking such a long trip. While on 

the journey, he was quite 

surprised to see the condition of 

roads in his country. He had to 

suffer a lot of pain in his feet  

due to the rough roads which 

also had many stones on it. As 

soon as he returned from the 

trip, he ordered his people to 

cover every road of the entire 

country with leather. Definitely, 

this would need thousands of 

animals skin, and would cost a 

huge amount of money. On 

hearing this one of the king's 

wise servants dared to tell him, 

"Why do you have to spend so 

much amount of money? Why 

don't you just cut a little piece of 

leather to cover your feet?" The 

king was surprised but he  

agreed to the suggestion and 

made a 'shoe' for himself.

There is a valuable lesson of our 

lives in this story "To make this 

world a happy place to live, you 

should rather change yourself, 

your heart; and not the world.


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